Instagram is a collection of pictures and stories told succintly and in an interesting manner. Because brevity is at a premium, each post tends to be short so as to engage with many. It is therefore natural that there would be a number of posts on any topic. But not all posts are equal. Some are more interesting than others. This is not only due to who says it but also due to what is said. A great advantage of Instagram is anyone may repost so long as you are either connected with that person or the post is public.
Let’s say you are a pediatrician. Obviously, children’s nutrition is an important topic for you since this would be on the minds of most parents. You can of course write your own material and when you do find something uniquely interesting please do so. It is important to write your own content on Instagram or else how will the content even come there in the first place? However, do not overlook the material posted by others. When you come across something intersting concerning your cause or issue, do not hesitate to repost to your site. This way you are making it available to a more focused audience with definite interest in the post. It would be great to make a meaningful comment on the original post. The only rule I have for reposting is that you should read the entire article since your own audience is trusting that you have done so when they see it on your page.
This simple way is often overlooked. In Vurku, you have a tool to download the top posts on any topic in an efficient manner. Why don’t you try the free version today at